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Black book of the Endangered Species
Dreams are commercials, too.
But we don't know what they are pleading for.
A ship in the blue sea
beneath a vast moon,
and a voice behind the frame,
or behind the sky.
We hear the melody of the voice only,
only in our dream we understand it.
Invisible, unthinkable companies
grow in your mind at night...
Purple and icy
the mountain of the mammoths.
The sky dark at noon,
the ground white with hail.
At the market-place, people with white raincoats
are selling memories.
What is this industry
of night?
A drowsy afternoon
with clear clouds:
abstract living bodies
above the harbor... .
The hot wind comes
to the deserted quay
homesick for a land
where you were
when you were not.
© Vladimir Levchev
© Електронно издателство LiterNet, 12.10.2004
Владимир Левчев. Черна книга на застрашените видове. / Black Book of the Endangered
Species. Варна: LiterNet, 2004
Други публикации:
Владимир Левчев. Черна книга на застрашените видове. / Black Book of the Endangered
Species. USA by Word Works <http://wordworksdc.com>, Washington, 1999.