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Madlen Algafari

web | Transpersonal psychology. Sacred sexuality

Dear reader, you are holding one "broad-minded" book. So broad, that it spreads out from the atom and cell to the Universe, from the time of Atlantida till nowadays. For those, who are looking for this book, it will be another confirmation that they are on the Road, for others, like students in psychology, for example, it will be a very useful handbook, because it presents, in a simple and generalized way, a large quantity of information, needed for the formation of a psychologist today. For third persons, for whom the road towards self-consciousness is yet to begin, it will be a challenge, because it will acquaint them with one grown-up, contemporary psychology, looking at its predecessor, from only a few decades ago, with moving sympathy. This is the challenge, standing in front of each contemporary science - to admit its private nature and the fact that it tries to look at the Truth through its small window. The integral transpersonal psychology realizes the necessity of uniting these small windows and their turning into united horizon towards the light.

This book is a challenge, which tries to gather, on only 136 pages, so many and versatile notions like: truth, freedom, choice, meditation, sublimation, sexuality, hormones, addictions, depressions, bipolar disorders,cognitive and affective restructuring, self-actualization, emotional and social intelligence, Danovism, Daoism (or Taoism), Tantrism, Buddhism, monotheism, polytheism, prayers, old age, death, free will, man and society, people with disabilities, jealousy, prenatal and perinatal psychology, enlightenment, unity, meaning of life...

This book is also a challenge for the author himself, who has not pretensions for innovativeness, but bravely and openly accepts climbing up the most ancient, as well as the newest peaks of the science of psychology, that has awaken after a long pseudo-scientific sleep. The rational and irrational are in peace in this heterogeneous, at first sight, but actually unified text, as well as in the heart of the writer, presenting both the points of view of established names in the sphere of psychology and his personal point of view towards all mentioned above notions and essences.

Good luck in this presented with lots of love, shared personal experience and disarming frankness challenge, to you inquisitive reader!



© Madlen Algafari
© E-publisher LiterNet, 29.12.2010
Orlin Baev. Transpersonal psychology. Sacred sexuality. Varna: LiterNet, 2010.